About Us

Pacific Online Systems Corporation (Pacific Online), a publicly listed company incorporated in 1993, is engaged in the provision and management online lottery systems, terminals and software for the Philippine lottery gaming industry. It has been providing technical and market expertise for the distribution of lottery products in the country in partnership with the state-run Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) for more than 2 decades.

In 1995, the PCSO launched its first online lottery and entered into an Equipment Lease Agreement (ELA) with Pacific Online to provide facility for online lottery operations in the Visayas and Mindanao area. Subsequently, entry into the Luzon area was awarded to Pacific Online in June 2012.
Pacific Online’s technology partners for the online lotto system are Scientific Games Corporation (SG) and Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems & Services (Intralot). SG and Intralot are both leaders in the global lottery and gaming industry with experience of over 40 years and 20 years, respectively. SG has been working with over 100 lotteries in 50 countries on six continents; while Intralot has presence in 57 jurisdictions in five continents.
POSC entered into a joint venture agreement with Philippine Gaming Management Corporation (PGMC) and International Lottery Totalizator Systems (ILTS) for the 5-year contract to provide a nationwide online lottery system for PCSO. The joint venture known as Pinoylotto Technologies Corporation is expected to commence operations in the latter part of 2023.

PCSO also awarded Pacific Online the exclusive rights to a 1-year test run of its Web-based Application Betting Platform (WABP) also known as PCSO E-lotto. This was launched last December 15, 2023 and offers traditional lottery games to the playing public on the go.

Pacific Online is a 50.1%-owned subsidiary of Premium Leisure Corp. (PLC). The ultimate parent company is Belle Corporation (Belle). Belle and PLC are corporations with shares listed on the PSE, incorporated and domiciled in the Philippines.