Sustainability at Pacific Online


The Management Approach and its Components

Our sustainability journey began with the mandate of our Board of Directors to take a more active role in improving the Company’s corporate governance and sustainability programs. Headed by our Management team, POSC continues to establish, maintain, and improve the sustainable practices of the Company through target setting, progress monitoring, and analysis of our outputs

Pacific Online’s

Sustainability Framework

The Company is able to achieve sustainable development through 3 major pillars:

  • Improving our services for the benefit of the PCSO and its agents

  • Partnering with accredited external providers for responsible disposal

  • Compliance with standards of our regulators

  • Prudent fiscal management

  • Sustainable operating models

  • Business continuity planning and disaster recovery protocols

  • Re-use of equipment and parts to maximize machines and minimize waste

  • Implementation of electronic systems to reduce paper consumption

  • Economic value generation and distribution

  • Good governance and risk management

  • Human capital development

  • Creation of systems to improve data analysis for efficient operations

#3 Good Health and Well-Being:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.

#5 Gender Equality:

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.

#8 Decent Work and Economic Growth:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.

8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment.

#12 Responsible Consumption and Production:

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.